Economic Benefits Solar Energy: Low Cost, Unlimited Energy

Economic Benefits Solar Energy: Low Cost, Unlimited Energy
Solar energy has proven to be a lucrative investment for both individuals and businesses. Solar panels can significantly reduce or even eliminate electricity costs, providing long-term savings. Additionally, installing solar panels can increase property value and make homes and businesses more attractive to potential buyers. Solar energy also promotes economic growth by creating jobs in the renewable energy industry. In fact, according to an Australian Bureau of Statistics report, there were over 26,850 solar industry jobs in Australia as of 2019, an increase of over 120% since 2010. Overall, harnessing solar power not only benefits the environment but can also have a positive impact on the economy.

How Solar Power Increases Property Value

Solar power can have a significant impact on a property’s value. In fact, a study by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found that homes with solar panels sell for an average of 4.1% more than comparable homes without solar. This trend is expected to continue as the demand for renewable energy increases. Solar panels not only help to lower electricity bills, but they also provide homeowners with the added benefit of increased property value. In addition, using solar energy helps to reduce our reliance on traditional sources of electricity, leading to a reduced carbon footprint and a cleaner environment. Solar power is quickly becoming a highly sought-after amenity in the real estate market, making it a wise investment for any homeowner looking to increase their property value.

Solar Energy and Electricity Bill

Solar energy is a renewable and sustainable source of power that can significantly impact an individual’s electricity bill. By installing solar panels on your roof or property, you can harness the sun’s power to generate your own electricity. Not only does this decrease your reliance on traditional fossil fuel sources, but it can also lead to significant savings on your monthly electricity bill. In fact, many utility companies even offer programs where they will purchase any excess energy generated by your solar panels. So not only are you helping the environment, but you could also potentially turn a profit on top of saving money on your electricity bills. Solar energy is a smart and practical solution for reducing both personal and global reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

Solar Energy and Employment

The use of solar energy is rapidly growing as a source of renewable energy and as a result, job opportunities in this field are also increasing. Solar panel installation and maintenance jobs have seen significant growth, with the Solar Energy Industries Association reporting that one out of every 50 new U.S. jobs in 2016 was in the solar industry. Solar energy companies are also training workers to transition into these career paths and meet the increasing demand. The growth in the use of solar energy not only helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change, but also creates employment opportunities for a diverse range of workers. As the demand for renewable energy continues to grow, the solar industry is poised to create even more jobs in the future.


Solar energy is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to power your home or business. At Solaviva, we are committed to helping you make the switch to solar energy. We offer a variety of services to meet your needs, from solar panel installation to maintenance and repair. Contact us today to learn more about how solar energy can benefit you and your community.  
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